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The University Commons: A Case Study One Year After Opening
    Wednesday May 23, 2012 11:00am - 12:00pm @ Patterson Hall, Room 300

    The Hans W. Klohn Commons opened in September 2011 on the Saint John campus of the University of New Brunswick. Years in the planning, quick in the execution with federal infrastructure funding, the commons as a concept included the writing centre, math and science help centre, student technology services, a collaborative classroom and library services. The building meets LEED gold standards for environmental design, including recycled grey water, natural light and an elevator that gives back to the grid. How does a commons differ from a library? How is the building changing how we provide services? What are we doing differently? What problems endure? What can you learn about how space and furniture impact services, even for more modest renovations and changes to service? As libraries move away from the centrality of print books, is the “commons” a model that still has relevance or is it just a passing fancy?


    (Moderator: Elaine MacLean)


    Soon to be Dean of Libraries at MacEwan University. Librarian...

    Type Session

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